About the business
Paper Houses Design is a textile and homeware design business with a focus on sustainability. They specialise in creating bold and stylish patterns on every day, sustainable products that are made to last.

Sometimes when you work for yourself, you really need some people around you to tell you like it is, and Business Gateway has been that for me. The team signposted me to various resources and funding opportunities and really ensured I made it through the challenges of the past year.

How Business Gateway has helped
Business Gateway helped Paper Houses Design through various support services, including advice about on the business plan, company regulations, funding, premises and marketing.
This support led to the company winning funding from Creative Scotland, which has helped the Paper Houses Design develop virtual workshops during lockdown.
Paper Houses Design also accessed DigitalBoost services and had a Health Check to see where their online presence could be improved. The business then accessed webinars and other resources which instilled confidence to launch the workshops.
Mhairi said, “Business Gateway has pushed me out of my comfort zone, and the team has been a pillar of support during a turbulent time. Sometimes when you work for yourself, you really need some people around you to tell you like it is, and Business Gateway has been that for me. The team signposted me to various resources and funding opportunities and really ensured I made it through the challenges of the past year.”
Aisha Kasim, business adviser, Business Gateway, said: “COVID-19 presented Mhairi with many challenges, but by adapting her business model and expanding her offering, she has turned these difficulties into a true success story.
“A strong online presence and virtual offering will continue to be vital for businesses in 2021, and we would encourage anyone thinking about investing in their digital platforms to access both the Business Gateway service and the DigitalBoost programme.”
Support Provided
1:1 Business Advisor or Support
Advice on Funding & Finance
Advice on Business Plan
Advice on Marketing
DigitalBoost Support
Get the support you need right now
You can connect with us through the contact form, call us or contact your local Business Gateway office.