Photography for digital marketing
An image is everything. Learn how to shoot, edit and upload photos for use online and to showcase your business.
Freelancers Networking Day
Join us in-person at Codebase in Edinburgh for a day of networking and training specifically designed for freelancers!
Understanding Fair Work for Scottish Tourism Businesses
Join us for a practical, informative online session introducing small tourism business owners to the Scottish Government’s Fair Work provisions.
How to generate and increase sales
Join us to explore the ways you can find and convert sales for your business.
Coaching Session: Website Planning - before you get technical
If you've never started a website before, this is a non-technical guide to website building and all the things you need to think about. Ideal for pre-start or those without a website.
A step-by-step guide to building your business plan
Just starting up or looking to update your business plan to get funding or take forward developments? Then this session is for you.
Social media essentials: Instagram
Find out how to use the world’s most popular image sharing app, Instagram, for your business benefit.
Instagram ads for list building on a shoestring budget
Generate leads consistently with a low ad spend. Learn how to create evergreen social media ads using tried a tried and tested strategy that’s proven to get 100 plus new leads a week.
Find your nearest office
Business Gateway Edinburgh

4 East Market Street
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
Monday to Thursday: 08.30 - 17:00; Friday: 08.30 - 16:00