Inspiration Stories

Get business insight, top tips and knowledge from business owners, leaders and advisers.

Coaching by Nic

Building confidence in your side hustle to start a business

Starting a side hustle is an exciting adventure, but it often comes with its own set of challenges - one of the biggest can be finding the confidence to leave a career and take the leap into turning it into a fully-fledged business.

9th October 2024

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How small businesses can reduce plastic use and become more sustainable

As our awareness of environmental impact grows, businesses are increasingly seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint. But making changes to operations overnight isn’t simple. This article offers 5 top tips to reduce plastic use.

7th October 2024

Mademoiselle Macaron team in Paris 3

Mademoiselle Macaron’s sweet success

Mademoiselle Macaron, founded by Rachel Hanretty, captures the essence of Parisian luxury in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland, with a range of luxury, hand-made macarons.

5th January 2024

Pg Paper

PG Paper wraps up COP26

COP26 provided world leaders with a unique opportunity to discuss the climate crisis at a crucial time, but how can businesses adapt to help meet vital targets? For business owners, the story of Scottish firm PG Paper offers valuable insights that can be applied to their own journey.

14th March 2022

Isle Of Cumbrae

Isle of Cumbrae distillery’s start-up spirit

Business Gateway’s start-up service has been crucial for Isle of Cumbrae distillery, as it brings its product to market.

14th March 2022

North Uist Distillery

North Uist Distillery reflects on Brexit changes

Learning from past experiences and accessing Business Gateway’s online resources has been crucial to help North Uist Distillery understand the changes caused by leaving the EU.

11th February 2021

Iain Best

Making the most of marketing in your business strategy

Iain Muir, one of our advisers, outlines some reasons why you may wish to invest in your marketing strategy and points you in the direction of some resources that can help.

9th February 2021

Rene Headshot For Web

Why now is the time for all businesses to invest in digital

Business Gateway adviser Rene Looper shares why investing in online and digital platforms continues to be an important element that will help businesses survive the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19.

9th February 2021

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Ideas for developing a business in a challenging climate

Businesses across Scotland have faced significant challenges over the last ten months. However, while trading conditions are difficult, there are opportunities for small businesses to grow. This article outlines how this is possible with the right support and approach.

5th February 2021