About the business
Argyll Yacht Rigger was launched in June 2020, following experienced rigger, Ian Burton’s redundancy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Tarbert-based business provides a full range of services for pleasure and commercial yacht owners in the region, from complete re-rigs to installing new masthead electronics and winter maintenance. Ian is one of the few people in the country to offer a complete rigging service as his sole means of business.

Starting your own business, especially in a rural area, can be daunting, however, the support of Business Gateway was vital to help me launch and grow my business.Ian Burton, Founder of Argyll Yacht Rigger

How Business Gateway has helped
Ian approached Business Gateway in 2020 for advice on setting up his own business.
As well providing start up guidance, his local adviser facilitated specialist support, which included employment advice and expert help on business growth and resilience. This support was crucial as Ian looked to build the business during the pandemic.
Business Gateway also signposted grant funding, helping Ian access support to expand. This included support from the Local Growth Accelerator Programme, funded by Argyll and Bute Council and the the European Regional Development Fund 2014-20 Structural Funds Programme. With a referral made from Business Gateway, Ian was also awarded funding from Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
The grants enabled Ian to purchase higher-quality equipment, allowing him to deliver a wider range of services, increase capacity and cover a wider regional area. The growth has resulted in Ian employing a second member of staff and has also hired an additional full-time rigger this February.
Ian provides specialist re-rigs in the yachting industry around Scotland and has plans to break into the architectural rigging market. He has recently passed an audit for the ‘Petersen Approved Installer Scheme’, meaning he is signed off to offer high standards of work with traceability all the way back to the start of manufacture, which is a unique level of documentation in the rigging industry.
Ian Burton, Founder of Argyll Yacht Rigger, said: “Starting your own business, especially in a rural area, can be daunting, however, the support of Business Gateway was vital to help me launch and grow my business.”
Support Provided
1:1 Business Advice/Support
Funding Advice
Digital Webinars
Advice on Company Regulations
Highlands and Islands Enterprise Support
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