About the business
Formed in 1994, Palimpsest Book Production is one of the few remaining typesetter businesses in the UK. Throughout its 25+ years of business, Palimpsest has sustained impressive levels of employment growth as well as maintaining inspiring staff retainment rates.

With Business Gateway’s support in all areas of the business, from grant funding to HR and branding, we are equipped to move into the next stage of our growth plans.

How Business Gateway has helped
In order to help Palimpsest prepare for the UK’s departure from the EU, Business Gateway supported the firm’s successful application for a government-funded Brexit Support Grant to help negate potential adverse effects caused by the transition.
After receiving Scottish Enterprise support to become an employee-owned business, Palimpsest has worked closely with Business Gateway to build a growth strategy and implement an action plan that will help shape the future of the business.
In addition to regular one-to-one sessions with a business adviser, Business Gateway has also provided HR support to help update essential documents reflecting the new ownership approach. After Business Gateway referred the typesetters to Skills Development Scotland, Palimpsest has also received support for succession planning, skills gaps and staff development.
Palimpsest also received expert advice regarding branding, with the aim to expand the business by launching a new brand in the forthcoming year.
John Forsyth, Operations Director of Palimpsest, commented: “As Palimpsest has just reached an important milestone in our company journey, it is very important that we develop a structure that will allow us to continue growing. With Business Gateway’s support in all areas of the business, from grant funding to HR and branding, we are equipped to deal with the challenges posed by Brexit and move into the next stage of our growth plans.”
Support Provided
1:1 Business Advisor
Strategic review
Signposting to wider support network
Specialist support
Brexit Support
Get the support you need right now
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