About the business
Isle of Bute Gin Distillery is a small batch gin distillery that specialises in using local botanicals, and even oyster shells, to flavour gins. Opened in 2020 on the Isle of Bute, the business has experienced high levels of customer demand with the return of tourists and day-trippers last summer and is now preparing to move to a larger space at ButeYard.

Business Gateway helped us get our foot in the door in 2020 as we set about relocating the business back to Bute, during the initial lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They provided helpful introductions to the wider network, and our adviser always made sure we were aware of any news or potential opportunities that might benefit us.

How did Business Gateway help?
Managed by husband-and-wife team, Rhona and Jack Madigan-Wheatley, the distillery has worked with Business Gateway since 2019, when the team looked for support opening the distillery in Rothesay. The service provided valuable introductions for the Isle of Bute Gin team once they moved, and signposted funding opportunities to ensure a strong start.
By working with Business Gateway, the distillery has been able to access funding through the Business Gateway Local Growth Accelerator Programme. The Business Gateway Local Growth Accelerator Programme is funded by Argyll and Bute Council and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-20 Structural Funds Programme, with a total programme value of £855,239
Access to the programme has helped the distillery take on additional staff, increase their brand awareness in Scotland and distribute to local hotels, bars, restaurants and attractions. It will also allow the team to expand their services for customers, providing them with a pick-up service.
This support allowed the distillery to steadily increase production and grow sales over the past 18 months. The team has also been able to take on an additional two members of staff due to levels of demand.
Rhona said, “Business Gateway helped us get our foot in the door in 2020 as we set about relocating the business back to Bute, during the initial lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They provided helpful introductions to the wider network, and our adviser always made sure we were aware of any news or potential opportunities that might benefit us.”
“The growth we’ve experienced over the last year has been supported by the Business Gateway service. The funding helped us grow our team, and we’re excited to take the next step as we move into larger purpose-built premises.”
Additionally, Rhona and Jack’s team will also start brewing beer under the brand ‘Bute Brew Co’, a mothballed business that the team purchased in 2021, which will be operational by the time the business relocates to ButeYard in summer 2022.
Support Provided
1:1 Business Adviser or Support
Funding Advice
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Signposting to a Wider Support Network
Local Growth Accelerator Programme
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