About the business
With a dream of running an architecture practice which puts sustainability at the forefront, Colin Potter launched Architeco in 2011.
Soon to be seen in the Outer Hebrides, Cowal and Aberdeenshire, Architeco has successfully launched its own range of Caber houses, which aim to provide zero carbon kit houses for self-builders.

Business Gateway was instrumental when it came to securing the funding required to purchase additional licences and hardware. This has been crucial to the development and future growth of Architeco.

How Business Gateway has helped
After receiving one-to-one support from an adviser, Architeco has recently been awarded various Local Growth Accelerator Programme grants, supported by the European Regional Development Fund. The grants have led to the investment of Building Information Modelling (BIM) software, hiring a new graduate architect, paying for drone training for architectural surveys, and for attending business fairs which have been instrumental in generating new business.
Thanks to the specialist grant advice and support from Business Gateway, all Architeco’s growth objectives have been met successfully and, with staff levels increasing ahead of projections, the outlook is now very positive for Colin and his team.
Colin Potter, founder of Architeco said: “Business Gateway was instrumental when it came to securing the funding required to purchase additional licences and hardware. This has been crucial to the development and future growth of Architeco.
“This is a huge investment for a small business and Business Gateway were essential in helping us access the funding. Our adviser Donald has been incredibly helpful, and we are now looking at other opportunities, such as staff training to bring new skills to our practice.”
Donald Melville, Business Adviser, Business Gateway commented: “Colin and his team are highly passionate about the environment and low energy buildings. As a growing business, we have assisted Colin with one-to-one advice along with our knowledge of funding avenues, which are helping him develop Architeco.”
Support provided
1:1 business adviser support
LGAP growth grant
LGAP training grant
LGAP employer grant
LGAP trade fair grant
The Business Gateway Local Growth Accelerator Programme is funded by Argyll and Bute Council and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-20 Structural Funds Programme, with a total programme value of £855,239.
What’s next?
Architeco are now looking at other opportunities to explore increased sustainable design and increased promotion of their zero carbon kit houses across Scotland. Now with a team of five architects and two support staff, Architeco are aiming to increase staff training which will bring new skills to the practice.
Get the support you need right now
You can connect with us through the contact form, call us or contact your local Business Gateway office.