What to expect from this webinar
As a business owner, you will have many important relationships that determine the success of your venture – from your customers to your suppliers. Amongst the most important is the relationship with your accountant. More than just someone who ‘looks after the numbers’, a good accountant can add a huge amount of value to your business – providing crucial financial insights to help inform key strategic decisions.
However, the value of an accountant is not always fully maximised. Despite having a detailed understanding of your financial position and operational strengths, many business owners fail to tap into these all-important insights. It’s a missed opportunity. We’re going to look at some of the ways an accountant can add value to your business – and how to maximise the relationship. streamline your accounting processes and ensure you meet deadlines and compliance duties.
The course will cover topics such as;
To ask what do you need to know from your accountant
Decisions you need to make
Whats the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant
What you should be doing
And what you shouldn’t be asking
The cost of not working in partnership
What do you want to do and what do you want someone else to do
How to make the relationship with your accountant more profitable.
Want to find more local support?
Visit your local officeEssential Info
11th September 2024
10:00 - 12:00
East Renfrewshire
Bookkeeping & Tax, Finance.
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