Webinars, Live Streams and Video Conferences – Running a Business Remotely – DigitalBoost National Webinar

While dealing with Coronavirus travel restrictions,it’s even more important to know how to interact with colleagues,clients and customers online.This tutorial gives you an insight into what’s possible

What to expect from this webinar

If you are currently looking to deliver webinars for your business during the Coronavirus outbreak then this webinar is for you.

There are many tools available to allow you to communicate with people online, whether you are trying to run a workshop, hold a meeting, inform people or help them solve a problem. Many of these digital tools are easy to use and offer some powerful facilities.

This tutorial will introduce to;

  • What webinars, live streams and video conferences are
  • Case studies and examples
  • An overview of the tools and platforms currently available

Please note: A link to access the webinar will be sent to you by email approx. 24hrs before it begins.

This is a ‘DigitalBoost’ event which is funded by Digital Scotland and delivered by Business Gateway.

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Essential Info

19th August 2020

10:00 - 11:30



Digital Marketing.


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