'Presenting With Confidence' - presentation skills

Speak about your business with confidence to small groups or large audiences, in person or remotely.

What to expect from this webinar

Whether public speaking fills you with dread or you've some experience and want to improve, this course will help. In a safe and encouraging space, you'll gain insight into:

- How to better engage audiences

- Dealing with technology

- Building a compelling and engaging message

- Handle Q+As with ease

- Planning your presentation

- Simple steps to make the maximum impact

You'll also have an entirely optional opportunity to practice and receive feedback on your presentation style.

Want to find more local support?

Visit your local office

Essential Info

21st January 2025

16:00 - 18:00



Advertising & Marketing, HR & Employing People, Networking, PR & Communications.


Can't attend this Event?

Watch one of our Online Tutorials