Creating Killer Graphics in Canva 2.0

Join us for a fantastic practical beginner's workshop and learn how to design simple but beautiful graphics, using FREE online tools, such as Canva 2.0.

What to expect from this webinar

Create stunning images for presentations, your website/blog, email newsletters and any social media channels.

This workshop is not exclusively for online marketing, you will learn to create images for print as well - e.g. business cards, flyers, posters or invitations.

At the end of the session, you will be able to edit pictures, design cover photos, collages and create stellar images to market your business both offline and on.

  • Become aware of Canva as a graphic design tool
  • Understand how to use Canva
  • Understand how images can be used and what types of images should be used where
  • Get some top tips from an experienced Canva user
  • Become aware of other online graphic design tools that can be used to further strengthen an organisation's marketing efforts

Please note: This is a hands-on, practical course so some basic computer skills are essential.

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Essential Info

5th October 2020

09:30 - 12:30




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