📢 Calling all business owners! Take a few minutes to share your insights on the challenges and opportunities your business is facing.

Close More Sales

The focus of this course is on ‘ how to’ techniques to close your sales presentation effectively and get the order, - often the part of the sales process that people find difficult and nerve wracking.

What to expect from this webinar

On the basis that your customer is interested, we start the session looking at ways to ensure you get a ‘yes’ rather than a ‘no’ using the right questions and techniques.

We also look at negotiation techniques, buying signals, the use of silence, link selling etc

We then go through what we call the sales ladder which covers the rest of the sales process, so you finish the session with a structure to follow when selling to customers whether existing or potential.

If you are a business owner or a key member of the team, this seminar will be directly relevant to you. You will leave with proven tips and techniques to try out and increase the success of your sales. Confidence in selling brings good levels of sales which in turn brings an increasing turnover and business resilience.

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Essential Info

26th July 2022

10:00 - 12:00



E-commerce, Sales.


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