Business Planning: Secure Your Funding

An in-depth walkthrough of our standard Business Plan template, designed to help clients, especially those applying for the Angus Council Grant, create their best possible business plan.

What to expect from this event

Attendees will be provided with and guided through a comprehensive business plan template, perfect for your application to the Angus Council Start and Grow grant.

Our expert Business Gateway advisors will guide you through the template in a step-by-step presentation. Afterward, all three advisors will be available for one-on-one sessions to discuss your individual plans in more detail.

Want to find more local support?

Visit Business Gateway Angus

Essential Info

14th January 2025

10:00 - 12:00

In Person

Montrose Port Authority
Montrose Port Authority
Harbour Office, South Quay, Ferryden
DD10 9SL

Business Planning, Growing your business, Starting Up.


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