Attendance Advantage: Effective Absence Management Strategies

In this webinar we will look at the steps employers can take to support employees, maximise attendance at work and the importance of having a well-defined absence management strategy with clear roles.

What to expect from this webinar

This practical webinar will provide managers and business owners with useful steps they can take in supporting employees and maximising attendance at work.The most recent CIPD Health and Wellbeing survey showed that there has been a significant jump in sickness absence rates in the UK with an average of 3.4% of working time lost per year due to sickness.

In this workshop we will provide practical guidance in managing sickness absence.We will specifically look at:

  • How to set up absence monitoring systems
  • What should be in your absence management policy
  • The steps you should take in managing short term sickness absence
  • What is Presenteeism and how to manage it
  • The legal implications of managing absence specifically focusing on building knowledge of Disability Discrimination legislation.

This workshop will be designed to provide practical tools and information that can be used to develop an absence management strategy which can be implemented in any business.

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Essential Info

23rd January 2025

09:30 - 12:00



HR & Employing People, Wellbeing.


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